Nature Sketching and Journaling Workshops with Irene Brady
Field Sketching I no longer teach workshops, but I have enhanced and made all of the workbooks (except for Landscape Sketching) available here.
I apologize for any disappointment this may cause, but I think you will find that these workshop workbooks will allow you to make great headway in your creative life in your own time-space and at your own pace, without 1) having to travel to the workshop or 2) pay for workshop expenses.

I have left my workshop pages up because they will help you see what can be accomplished by working your way through a workbook. I know it's not the same as having hands-on help and advice from an instructor, but, well, at least the price is right!
Here are some
comments from workshop participants.

You can visit my workshop blog for details about what happened in workshops ~ and see some of the students' results.
I still blog about illustrations and art projects I am working on. These might be of interest to you, so please drop by!


Meet Irene
For more information about Irene, click on the photo at left.
For more information or to arrange for a workshop,
call 541-535-3189 or contact Irene via email (recommended)

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