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 NatureClips Clipart | Campsite Critter Guides | Interpretive Arts Portfolio

Don't leave food in your tent!        Each Campsite Critter Guide is full of fascinating details about the featured animal's natural habitat and its life when people aren't around -- and when they are. Respect for wildlife and habitat is encouraged.

For example, the bear guide explains what bears eat in the wild -- and what might happen if you leave snacks lying around your campsite within their habitat. It also explains what to do if you meet a bear on the trail.
(for more details and ordering information, scroll down past the wolf guide graphic)

Inside the Wolf Guide
Inside Wolf Brochure
Chipmunks are curious rascals!       
Campsite Critter Guides calm needless fears but also instill necessary caution. They help both visitors and interpretive naturalists avoid problems and repetitive questions.

Campsite Critter Guides answer frequently asked questions like: "Is that snake poisonous? Is it okay to pat the cute bear? Why can't we let our dog off the leash? Can we feed the chipmunks? Will we get sick from these mosquito bites? Are there wolves around here?" and much, much more.

A sketching lesson encourages quiet observation and creativity.
Campsite Critter Guides make excellent souvenirs of a memorable visit.


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COPYRIGHTED © 2015, by Nature Works. All rights reserved worldwide.
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may be used without written permission from the artist.